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A4/ V2

Type Werk Nr. Country Status Reg Additional information
A4 Australia PV Australian War Memorial, Treloar Centre Annex, with trailer, ex Australian Army Base, Holsworth
A4 Australia S Australian War Memorial, Treloar Centre Annex, previously at Point Cook, Unrestored and only a shell.
A4 England PV IWM
A4 England PV Science Museum
A4 England S The Defence Explosive Ordinance Disposal School, Chattenden, stored dismantled
A4 England PV Cosford
A4 England PV RAFM
A4 England ? Ministry of Technology Rocket Propulsion Establishment, Westscott
A4 France PV Musée de l'Seconde Guerre, Wizernes, Argues
A4 Germany PV Luftwaffe Museum, Gatow
A4 Germany PV Historisch-Technisches Informationszentrum, Peenemünde, Replica 1:25
A4 Germany PV Deutches Museum, Munich
A4 Netherlands S leger en Wapen Museum, Delft. Delft Has been placed in storage during 2005 for at least 2 years
A4 USA PV White Sands Missile Range, Alamagordo, New Mexico
A4 USA PV Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center, Hutchinson
A4   USA S   Flying Heritage Collection, Seattle. Very little is known of this missile but it is probable that it was rebuilt by acquired remains.
A4 USA PV United States Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville Alabama
A4 USA PV Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas
Second Photo
FH04/22809 USA PV USAFM, Dayton Ohio 
A4 USA PV Oklahoma Aviation and Space Hall of Fame, Oklahoma, Replica.

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