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Date What's New or what has been added

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December 28 2002 The last update for 2003! I wish you all a Happy New Year, and hope that next "Warbird" year will be as exciting as this was.  

Christoph Westhaus have contributed two photos of the Replica Messerschmitt Me 262 that is constructed by the Luftwaffe Museum at Gatow. They're using some original parts, like a nose section, engine and other stuff. Since it is a replica it shouldn't be listed on the Me 262 page but it is still that for the time being, it is also listed in the relics section. 

Shinichi Tsunoda sent in a photo of the Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui after the restoration from a hulk was completed. It is now on display in the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Museum in Nagoya alongside a A6M5a Zero. A photo of the Zero has also been added. 

Marko Jeras in Croatia have done some research into the identity of the Bü 131 on view at Tehnicki Muzej in Zagreb and have found evidence that the aircraft is a D-2 version with W.Nr. 1924 instead of a B version with W.Nr 865. I've also revised and updated the link page. 

December 21 2002 "Elvis has left the building!" or in other words, Dornier Do24T-3 W.Nr 5345 has left the Deutsches Museum in Munich for transport to the Philippines via Antwerp and a restoration there. Thanks to André de Zwart for information and Gerhard Filchner for photo. André is also reporting that the Dornier Do 24T-3 W.Nr 5344 at Oberpfaffenhoffen might be on the move too. It seems like either the whole Dornier company or parts of it have run into financial problems so the Dornier Museum's collection might be broken apart. There is a possibility that this Do 24 might be leaving Germany for USA thus leaving Germany without a complete example one of these great flying boats. Hopefully the efforts to undertaken to keep the aircraft and the Dornier Museums collection intact in Germany will succeed. 

I continue to add photos from my trip to Finland this summer. This time it is a better photo of the VL Viima I prototype in Tampere, two photos of wooden drop tanks for the Myrsky fighter and a photo of an experimental wooden drop tank for the Bf 109 in Finnish service. Also a set of metal floats for the VL Sääski aircraft has been added to the Finnish Relic page. The later aircraft operated with both wooden and metal floats. 

December 14 2002 Angel Sanchez writes from Spain with some information regarding the Bf 109E-3 "6-130" that was recovered recently. He wrote that some remains of the pilot was recovered and buried the day after with military honors. Regarding the aircraft, it seems like it was only some fragmental remains of the airframe and that the engine was found broken in half. The parachute though (made in England) was recovered almost intact. This means that for the time being this Bf 109E-3 will not be listed as preserved on this site since the information indicates that the recovered remains would not be enough for a restoration. 

Mario Raguz sent a photo of the wings for the Fw 190 stored in Belgrade. It seems like they needs some work before putting them on display. The Cyrillic letters written on the wings are about the Partisans and the fighting during WWII.

A photo of the Finnish Fw 44 SZ-5 have been added. The aircraft is currently under restoration to airworthiness, though I don't know of any civil registration yet. A set of Dornier Do 22 floats was also found at the same museum. Check the Dornier Relics section for photos. These remains are probably the largest preserved parts of that now extinct aircraft type. Also a new addition is the photo of De Havilland D.H.60X Moth OH-EJA which was operated by the Finnish Air Force during WWII as MO-100. The aircraft is preserved at Tikkakoski.

December 7 2002 Don Hansen from USA have sent in some exciting information regarding Fw 190A-8 W.Nr. 173056. Don has acquired the aircraft from the previous owner Mr Laing and have now registered it as N91169. Don also writes that the aircraft is under restoration to airworthy condition with a Shevetsov Ash82N engine and that many parts have been bought from Flug Werk. As can be seen from the photo Don sent the airframe is in an advanced state and that it is soon time to mate it to the wings, some more internal fittings will have to be done before that. If all goes according to plan the engine will be cranked into life during 2003 and it may even take to the air the same year. 

Julian Banks, a volunteer of the Cavanaugh Flight Museum sent an e-mail regarding the Heinkel He 111/CASA 2.111 they have with the museum. First he wrote that a project to restore it back into airworthy status will be begun soon. The engines has been test run, and the aircraft is prepared for a ferry flight to a restoration site in Texas. But what was may be more interesting is that the identity of the aircraft was not c/n  053 "B.2I-103" as it has been listed on this site and many other publications. Julian wrote  that he have seen at least 4 different data plates claiming the aircraft to be c/n 155 "B.2I-27" (and included photos of some plates). Julian also writes that IWM is referring to their CASA 2.111 as B.2I-103 despite the fact that it has B.2I-27 painted on the fin. So why does it have that painted on the fin? Has the fin been swapped some time, or what happened? 

Alfred Preuß wrote in to tell me that Fw 44J c/n 2924 (N212S) have been sold to a new owner in Hoogeveen in Holland. We'll have to wait and see what it will be registered as. 

Finally I've added a photo of a fin of a Junkers Ju 52/3m preserved at Nordland Röde Kors Krigsminnemuseum in Narvik - check out the relics section. Also two Fokker D.XXI rudders have been added to the Finnish relic section. 

Many thanks to Don, Julian and Alfred for sharing information and photos with the rest of us!

November 30 2002 Since the quotas have been full on my web-account for some time I've accumulated a back-log of stuff to add, some of it is put on-line with this quite extensive update. 

Mr Saiwm of the Zerofighter world have assisted with several photos from Mr Harada's fantastic collection. The following engines have been added; one Ha 32, two Ha 35, one Ha 45 and two Atsuta AE1 engines.  Also Laruent Pater have sent in a photo of an Atsuta AE1 engine, from the Yakusuni shrine in Tokyo. Ola Carlsson have added a better photo of the Messerschmitt Me 262 on show in Prague. Mario Raguz continues to add new photos, this time of the Bücker Bü 133 and the Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 in Belgrad. 

Jerry Yagen have contributed a recently taken photo of the restoration of Fighter Factory's Bf 109E so we all can see the progress being made. Kenneth Pedersen added excellent cockpit photos of two Spanish built Buchons, D-FMBB and D-FDME. Thomas Siepert have also contributed some quite unusual photos, one of a four bladed Do 217 propeller preserved in Czech republic, together with a photo of four paddle propeller blades illustrating fur different steps in the manufacture of the blades. The blades could have been used on Fw 190A or Ju 88 aircraft. See the relics section for the photos.

Sergio Louis dos Santos have supplied a photo taken by Vicente Vazques of the restored Isotta Fraschini 500 engine from the Savoia S 55 Jahú in Brazil. Sergio writes that the engine have been restored (as can easily be seen!) and that the work on the aircraft will be started soon. This means that the long struggle to preserve the sole S 55 at last have come to a solution which hopefully will be successful. Judging from the look of the engine, the Savoia S 55 will be in good hands. 

Gregory Alegi sent in a photo of what is said to be a seat from a Caproni Ca.313. Many thanks to all of you have contributed to this update!

November 19 2002 Ola Carlsson have contributed a nice photo of Siebel 204D (NC701) at Arlanda. 
November 12 2002 Jean-Pierre Touzeau managed to get access to MS 500 F-AZDV (Fiesler Fi 156 Storch) to take a photo of it while in storage at Chavenay-Villepreux in France. Many thanks!
November 7 2002 Mario Raguž have contributed some new and interesting photos from the Aeronautical museum in Belgrad. He added a photo of the Fiesler Fi 156 (Mraz K-65), the Junkers Ju 52/3m (Amiot AAC.1), the tail unit of the Junkers Ju 87 on view as well as a photo of one of the wings from the Fiat G50. According to some sources the museum have sold the Ju 87 parts they had collected from several different aircraft. Though it seems like they decided to keep at least the tail section. Many thanks for this update!
October 26 2002

This weekend I've got two really exciting contributions. The first is a photo from Peter Cohausz who have had access to the Focke-Wulf Fw 56 Stösser which is in storage at BITZ-Flugzeugbau in Augsburg. Look out for a future article on that aircraft in Flugzeug Classic by Peter. The other exciting contribution is from Kent Jones who had the opportunity to visit USAFM Dayton during the "big shuffle" a couple of days ago. The museum rearranged their exhibitions and Kent managed to get some nice photos of the museums Fw 190D-9, Bf 109G-10 and Me 262A-1a while they were moved outside the hangars. Jean-Pierre Touzeau contributed a better photo of the Canadian Heinkel He 162A-2 W.Nr. 120076.

I'm also continuing to add photos from my trip to Finland this summer. This time I've added a new photo of the Klemm KL 25 OH-KLA. The aircraft has now been assembled and put on display from it's previous place in storage. I've added a new better photo of the Finnish designed fighter VL Pyörrymyrsky as well as a cockpit photo. I've also added a cockpit photo of the Fokker D.XXI on show in Tikkakoski. The last addition is a photo of the Junkers A50 Junior on show at the Helsinki-Vanta Airport. This aircraft was used as liaison aircraft by the Finnish Air Force during WWII. 

October 20 2002 Predrag Pedja Stamenkovic contributed (through the assistance of Dave McDonald) with a photo of the sole preserved Fiat G50 in storage with the museum in Belgrade. Mr Saiwm of the Zerofighter world have assisted with a photo of the recently restored Mitsubishi A6M2 Model 21 Zero fighter owned by Mr Harada in Tokyo. I've also added a photo of the Finnish VL Sääski II on show at Hallinportti Ilmailumuseo, Halli as well as a new and slightly improved photo of the Bf 109G-6 MT-452 on show at Utti AFB in Finland. 
October 12 2002 Also this week there's some updates. Bob Bailey from USA sent a inflight photo of his beautiful CASA 1.131E NX71BJ. From Jean-Pierre Touzeau I've added a better photo of the CASA 2.111 preserved at Musee de l'Air. John Gooding of Canada contributed a photo of the recently restored Me 163 at National Aviation Museum, Ottawa, depicting it's new paintscheme. There's some insecurity about the W.Nr. of that aircraft. It has been painted as 191914, while it previously was quoted as 191916 (not big difference, but still... :-). John also added a recent photo of the Fiesler Re 4 (Fi 103) manned missile stored with the museum. Heinkel He 162 Yellow 2 is still very elusive and undocumented for this website - can anyone change that? Morari Sergio from Italy added a cockpit photo of the SM 79 at Museo 'Caproni' di Taledo, Trento.
October 6 2002 Marcus Renato Silva from Brazil sent some photos from his visit to Fantasy of Flight Museum in Florida. Photos of the Fiesler Fi 103 missile as well as an improved photo of the museums Fiesler Storch (MS 500) c/n N156FS. Roger Soupart contributed a photo of a He 111/CASA 2.111 cockpit section preserved at Camarenilla airfield close to Toledo in Spain. Thomas Siepert have contributed a photo of the Fw 190F-3/R11 W.Nr. 670071 under restoration at Flugplatz Museum Cottbus. I've also added photos of some very rare Finnish aircraft: Aero A32, Bristol Bulldog including a cockpit photo as well as the VL E.30 Kotka II.
September 30 2002 Well I promised some French built Fiesler Storchs this update, and Jean-Pierre Touzeau have contributed the following examples:  MS 500 F-AZRA, MS 500 F-AZDA, MS 502 F-AZCP,  MS 505 F-BEJF, MS 505 F-BAVB, MS 505 F-BJQD, MS 505 OO-STO, MS 506L F-BDXM. jean-Pierre also added photos of some French built Bf 108/Nord 1002 F-AZBV and F-BFUY. He also sends information about the Caudron 714 acquired by Musee de l'Air that it is under a long term restoration. A photo of it have been added on the Finnish page. Many thanks for these additions! 
September 20 2002 It's with great pleasure that I add a photo from Jagan Pillarisetti of the Messerschmitt Bf 109E recently discovered in India. Jagan will add more photos to his site later, so be sure to check it out. I've also added some more photos from Urs Ruf of some French registered CASA 1.131 Jungmans including F-AZVS, F-AZUV and F-AZPB. From Sergio Morari I've received photos of Swiss Bücker Bü 131 A-45 and the tail unit of a Macchi MC 202 which can be seen on the Italian relics section. Jean-Pierre Touzeau continues to add photos from his great collection. This time he have sent photos of Focke-Wulf Fw 44 F-AZMJ and D-EMIG as well as Nord N 1002 F-AZMR and Siebel NC 702 c/n 331. Next update will include a batch of different French built Fiesler Storchs also from Jean-Pierre. 
September 14 2002 Sergio Morari contributed some photos of the Savoia-Marchetti SM 79 at the Caproni museum and the Bf 108 W.Nr 3701. Gunnar Åkerberg visited the aviation museum at Östersund where he took photos of a Hirth HM 504 and an Argus AS 10 as well as a seat from a Regianne Re 2000 and a stick from a Caproni Ca 313. Both relics can be seen on the Italian relics section. Gunnar also added a photo of Bücker Bü 131 SE-AGU which is on display at the airport terminal in Sundsvall in the north of Sweden. Jean-Pierre Touzeau have also added photos of some Ju 52/3ms: CASA 352 T2B-262, T2B-212 and AAC.1 no 216. Lastly Jens Klank contributed a photo of Klemm L25a I D-EFTE. Many thanks to you all for these additions!
September 7 2002 From France and Jean-Pierre Touzeau, I received a recent photo of the Re 2002 preserved in Limoges, France. Gregory Alegi sent a new photo of the Ro 41 project showing the progress being done. The photo was taken by Francesco Ballista. Benno Goethals have visited the museum Osterreichishes Luftfahrtmuseum, Thalerhof where the remains of the Bf 110G-2 is which was recovered in the 80's from a lake in Austria. The remains only include one engine (see photo in the engine section) and some undercarriage remains, the rest is "labeled" as scrap metal. So the entry for a Bf 110 in Austria has been removed from the listing. 

On a bright side, I went on a business trip to Finland two weeks ago, and stayed over the weekend to tour some aviation museums. Literally it was the trip of my life since I over three days managed to visit the all but one of the aviation museums in Finland, and in addition their tank museum and a private arms museum which I happened to drive past. At Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseo I met Timo Savolainen and Timo Heinonen for a guided tour. Timo Heinonen worked at the museum and insisted that I try out the cockpits of Bf109G-6, Fokker D.XXI, Humu and Pyörremyrsky. As you can understand I was not difficult to persuade (The photos will appear in my future book "cockpits I've sat in" - Well I can't fly so what else can write about?:-). Anyway, I took a lot of photos of some very unusual aircraft and parts that will be added over the next few weeks. Many thanks to you both for that great day!

The first upload includes a new photo of the Bf109G-6 MT507, including a cockpit photo. Also a new photo of the VL Humu and a cockpit shot from it have been added. I got to see one of my favorite aircraft in Finland; the Caudron 714 of which photos have been added. As you can see the engine is missing and the cockpit needs a lot of tender loving care. Also added were photos of the Douglas DC-2 fuselage in Helsinki and the Fokker CVE rear fuselage in storage at Lathi. A photo of the ultra rare Blackburn Ripon IIF have been added - what a big ugly beauty it is!

See what have been changed before